Asset Allocation Analysis
Structural and Tactical asset allocation publications based on quantitative models and global macroeconomic views.
Improve your investment choices to generate lasting value through Longview Economics.
We deliver rigorous market analysis and simplify complex macro trends.
Forbes magazine 12th July 2024
Structural and Tactical asset allocation publications based on quantitative models and global macroeconomic views.
A daily models-driven analysis of the one to two week outlook for equity markets, typically focussed on the S&P500 / SPX.
Macro and technically driven one to six month trading ideas across all key asset classes.
Regular updates of the macroeconomic outlook and detailed analysis of long term themes for key global economies.
Market commentary, webinar highlights and informational video content.
The team consists of economists and quants with specialists in global macro, economic history, quantitative models and commodities. We deliver rigorous market analysis, take pride in simplifying complex macro trends and delivering lucid trading and investment advice.
The historical performance of our recommendations is available both on the website and upon request. This transparency and accessibility provides assurance of our long term ability to forecast markets, whether that's a one to two week trade, a multi-month view, or a multi-year structural outlook.