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The Daily Risk Appetite Gauge, 22nd January 2024:


The Daily Risk Appetite Gauge is a written bulletin of expert professional trading intelligence produced before 9am London time. It covers global stock markets and is designed to specifically navigate short term movements in those markets.

It gives explicit 1-2 week recommendations on US and other country equity market futures: advising either long or short positions with both entry points and stop loss levels.

It is based primarily on our ‘fear and greed’ models and backed up with over 25 years of experience following and trading the markets. We also utilise other types of models to further augment our understanding and ability to accurately forecast the market’s direction.

We sell the Daily Risk Appetite Gauge to both institutional clients and individual subscribers across the globe.

The Daily Risk Appetite Gauge is for anyone interested in trading equity markets on a one to two week basis. It helps the subscriber to get closer to markets, to better assess the market environment and to position for that.


  • Day traders
  • Swing traders
  • Professional investors
  • Equity LONG/SHORT traders

The human behaviours associated with fear and greed dominate short term price swings in equity markets. Yet popular opinion believe markets are driven by, and respond to, news flow. It’s why markets so often respond in the opposite manner to how the pundits and the news flow say they will.

By measuring and mathematically quantifying the market’s emotional states, our models provide intelligence as to when to enter and exit - providing Long and Short equity index futures recommendations on a 1-2 week timeframe.

Our expertise and experience allows us to interpret those models and produce daily trading recommendations with a strong track record.


The Short View, 24th January 2024:

The Short View is primarily about recent, short term market movements in key asset classes (equities, bonds, rates, currencies, commodities and volatility). Much of the thinking in the product is based on positioning and sentiment shifts. The product draws upon the Commodities Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) ‘Commitments Of Traders’ report (COT), which is published each week. We use the data in this report that relates to speculators, and include it as part of our analysis of recent market price action across key asset classes (and then outline our conclusions in the Short View publication).

"Copper: LONG Trade Brewing"

"Over the next year or so, copper prices face multiple headwinds. In particular, the key drivers of Chinese copper demand should deteriorate further (in both the power and property sectors), while copper supply growth is likely to reaccelerate, as we highlighted last week. 

Markets, though, don’t move in straight lines. Indeed, on a 1 - 6 month time frame, there's room for a copper rally (potentially counter trend) given our technical, positioning, and sentiment models. In particular, price action has been bullish in recent weeks and months, with copper (i) holding above/rallying from its key support level ($3.51/lb); (ii) breaking above its downtrend line (which has now become a key support level); and (iii) following China’s 50 bps RRR cut overnight*, rallying from its 200-day moving average.

The copper price is also performing well from an order flow perspective, having rallied significantly from its ‘point of control’ (that is, the price at which volumes have been at their highest in the past 50 trading days, shown as the red line in FIG B below) to the top of its ‘value area’ (represented by the blue lines, where 70% of copper futures volumes have been traded in the past 50 days)."

Tactical Equity Asset Allocation No. 240, 3rd January 2024:

The Tactical Equity Asset Allocation is an explicit recommendation on the outlook for the S&P500 Index on a one to four month horizon. Those recommendations are based on our suite of medium-term quantitative models, as well as our analysis of the US and global economic cycle.

"Stay Tactically OW Equities
(albeit risks rising)
a.k.a. Cyclical Bull Market Ongoing"

“Since the late October lows, US and global equity markets have moved  sharply higher, performing strongly in November and December. The S&P500,  for example, having troughed on 27th October (at 4,103) has subsequently rallied  17%. The NASDAQ100, after its July to October ‘summer swoon’, reached a local  low on 26th October and has since rallied around 20% (up to its end 2023 highs). Other global equity markets have behaved similarly. 

That strength in equities, in such a short period of time, raises questions about where to next?"

Quarterly Global Asset Allocation No. 57, 20th March 2024:

The Quarterly Global Asset Allocation is a recommendation for a global portfolio comprised of equities, bonds, commodities, credit and cash with a six to twenty four month investment horizon. The recommendation is based on our assessment of the global economic cycle, the current key investment/macro themes, our assessment of market valuation and analysis of other key factors which drive medium to long term investment cycles. Each quarter there is a section with a detailed analysis of the economic cycle in the USA, Eurozone and China. There is also a section dedicated to valuation across all key asset classes, as well as a front section with detailed recommendations and rationale.

"Positioning Ahead of a Summer SELL-off"

"Risk assets have performed well in recent months. Global equities are up 25% since their October low; several country indices have made new record highs; and credit spreads/other risk premia have tightened (in some cases dramatically, e.g. see BTP spreads over Bunds). Elsewhere volatility across certain major asset classes has fallen/trended lower (e.g. with FX vol falling to a two year low).

Unsurprisingly, therefore, consensus thinking in markets is reasonably bullish. There’s no longer talk of a US/global recession, cash levels in portfolios have fallen to low levels, and sentiment towards equities has risen to a 20 year high (e.g. see fig 1 below)1.

In December last year, we moved from meaningfully underweight risk assets (primarily equities) to modestly OW risk. In recent months, we’ve been adding to the OW risk position. We’ve increased weightings, for example, in gold and Chinese equities and have reiterated the case for staying OW Japanese and Spanish equities. 

The key question, therefore, is: Given such strong gains in global markets in recent months, has the risk reward changed? And, how should asset allocators, with a 6 – 24 month time horizon, position their portfolio?"

Global Macro Report, 22nd May 2024:

In our Global Macro Reports we identify and explore key macro themes & the outlook for major economies. The reports frequently examine the US, Eurozone & China and, occasionally, other major economies.

"How High is US Recession Risk?"

"With the recent sharp fall in the US Citibank economic surprise index (fig 1), questions are being raised about the real strength of US economic growth. Q1 GDP data disappointed, coming in at 1.6% (vs. consensus of 2.5%); the ISM 
services index moved below 50; the combined ISM manufacturing and services employment sub-indices moved further below 50 (fig 14 in appendix); while the Michigan consumer ‘expectations less current situation’ model continues to signal recession (fig 2). Added to which, the yield curve remains inverted (22 months after its initial inversion), credit growth is anaemic and monetary policy appears tight.

With that, certain commentators (despite the shift in attitudes in the BAML survey1) continue to express confidence that a US recession is imminent. Nancy Lazar (Piper Sandler), for example, cites the jump in unemployment in 19 states, and tighter credit (see quote above). David Rosenberg (formerly of Merrill Lynch/well known bear) remains equally convinced of an imminent US recession..."

Longview Letter, 12th July 2024:

Longview Letters look in depth at key long term themes which relate to the outlook for global financial markets & the global economy. These thematic pieces aim to provoke thinking and often form the basis for podcasts and newspaper editorials.

“US Fiscal Indebtedness: Carry on Regardless”

“The world is awash with debt. As laid out in the IIF’s latest press release above, most of the growth in global debt has come from a few key countries (including the US).

For investors in government debt (and related currencies and equity markets), that raises a number of critical questions. In particular, does it matter? Do investors need to worry about the rapid accumulation of US government debt in the past 15 years (fig 1)? Does it matter that France is electing a left leaning government with (fiscal) plans to spend more? How has Japan managed to run fiscal deficits for 30 years without a crisis? Is that a signal that investors don’t need to fret about the US fiscal position? But if it does matter, then when? And what are the triggers/signs to watch out for?

Indeed, whether or not it matters, it is certainly one of the key concerns of investors around the world/usually brought up in meetings (but also one about which nothing is done). 

Given the size of the debt, that concern is not surprising. Single-handedly US government debt accounts for 14% of world non-financial debt. On last count there was $34.8 trillion of outstanding US government debt, up from $23.2 trillion immediately prior to the pandemic, $12.3 trillion just after the financial crisis, and as low as $5.7 trillion at the turn of the millennium (fig 1). With that, US government debt to GDP is now running at 122% of GDP (fig 2) – above its 1946 post WWII peak (although below the UK’s WWII peak of over 250%). With fiscal deficits set to stay high, that ratio will continue to trend up. According to the IMF’s projections it will reach 133.9% of GDP by 2029. The US’s CBO longer term projections forecast a ratio of 166% by 2050. The outcome of the November election, naturally, could accelerate that move higher (with the 
Trump camp, for example, talking about more tax cuts)."

Monthly Global Asset Allocation, 29th February 2024:

To supplement our Quarterly Global Asset Allocation which focuses on the US, Europe and China, we publish a Monthly Asset Allocation which digs deeper into specific other themes/sectors/asset classes such as commodities, bonds and emerging markets. We then update our Global Asset Allocation recommendations for these asset allocations.

“Increase Gold Exposure in Strategic Portfolios”

“Having reduced gold exposure in December, we recommend starting to rebuild gold positions (i.e. move towards NEUTRAL weightings) in our strategic portfolio. 

By early December, downside risks to gold were relatively high. The price was up 18% from its October low; net long positioning was crowded; sentiment was bullish; our technical (price based) models were on SELL (fig 8); and, reflecting all of that, our ‘market timing model’ had turned SELL (and has been timely in picking key turning points in the gold price in recent months, see fig 3). 

Added to that models’ backdrop, and supporting the gold price rally from October to December, expectations for Fed rate cuts had increased (i.e. to relatively ambitious levels, see fig 4).

Since December, and given that backdrop, gold price action has been impressive. That is, the price has consolidated its gains, and found support at around $2,000/oz (fig 2)."

LV on Friday, 12th July 2024:

The Longview on Friday brings together every aspect of Longview's weekly analysis and strategic investment advice. The report updates key themes, outlines crucial trading advice and drills deep into the most relevant market movements and macro trends. The Longview on Friday has successfully predicted and remained ahead of key global trends. The report identifies the key themes that will drive global markets in the short and long term.

“US Inflation: Regime Change Underway”

"Markets were obsessed about the stickiness of US inflation at the start of this year. That obsession was centred around service sector prices.

In particular, (i) there was no inflation elsewhere (goods has been deflationary for most of the past two years, see below); (ii) services CPI had accelerated to high levels over the prior 12 months (FIG 1); and (iii) it’s the ‘type’ of inflation that the Fed is 
able/willing to control (i.e. service sector price pressures are ‘domestically generated’).

Services inflation therefore sat at the heart of Fed policy debate. 

Following yesterday's CPI report for June, though, there have now been three months of weak monthly service sector readings (FIG 1). The average of those three readings is now +0.2% m-o-m (in line with ‘normal’, pre-pandemic levels). Excluding shelter, the average is only +0.1% M-o-M, which is on the low side vs. pre-2020 levels….

…and stripping out energy and medical care services (i.e. other large, and sometimes volatile, price categories), gives a similar message. That is, underlying inflationary pressure in the US economy has (significantly) decelerated in recent months
(FIG 2)."

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