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Summary of markets last week:

Momentum in US equity markets rolled over to the downside last week. That breakdown began tentatively the week before on 23rd May, when the S&P futures broke below their tight trending range of the prior five trading sessions (see chart). It was then confirmed by equity market weakness on Wednesday and Thursday last week, as the index went below its next key support level, i.e. 5,266/73 on futures (before a sharp, final hour, short covering rally into the close on Friday). 

Equities (& bonds) were whipsawed by the US macro data released during the week. Earlier on in the week, consumer confidence and the Richmond Fed survey were both much stronger than expected, triggering a back-up in US 10-year bond yields (and pressure on US equities). Later in the week, Q1 GDP was revised lower, pending new homes sales disappointed while the Chicago Fed PMI fell sharply (to a level consistent with recession). In response bond yields fell, largely round tripping over the course of the week (& ending the week at 4.51%, 5bps above where they started).

Given that mixed macro message, this coming week will be critical. In particular, it’s the main US macro data week of the month. ISM manufacturing is published on Monday, ISM services is out on Wednesday (along with ADP payrolls data), while the week concludes with the closely watched non-farm payrolls, unemployment and related labour market data on Friday. All of which will be closely watched, along with the 5,217 level on S&P500 futures - a key support level (the 50-day moving average). For full details of next week’s key events, see below.
Elsewhere, over the weekend, “India’s Modi looks set to have won a decisive majority in the Indian election” (source: CNBC), “China has landed a spacecraft on the far side of the moon” (source: Bloomberg) , while “China’s defense minister, Adm. Dong Jun, vowed that anyone who aims to separate Taiwan from China will face “self-destruction.”” (source: CNBC).

Longview’s latest views on markets, as always, are laid out in our key publications, including: i) The ‘Daily Risk Appetite Gauge’ (1 – 2 weeks views on S&P500 futures); ii) ‘Tactical Asset Allocation’ (‘1 – 4’ month views on the direction of global equity markets); & iii) our ‘Global Asset Allocation’ publication (with a 6 month to 2 year timeframe across all asset classes).

Key chart: S&P500 futures shown with key moving average



The most important macro data, events & earnings reports out next week



Bank of Canada policy decision (Wed, 2:45pm); ECB policy decision (Thurs, 1:15pm) followed by press conference (1:45pm).


Chinese Caixin manufacturing sector PMI (May, 2:45am); US ISM manufacturing (May, 3pm).


US JOLTS job openings (Apr, 3pm); UK BRC retail sales (May, 12:01am).


Chinese Caixin service sector PMI (May, 2:45am); US ADP employment (May, 1:15pm); US ISM services (May, 3pm).


German factory orders (Apr, 7am); US Challenger job cuts (May, 12:30pm).


US nonfarm payrolls, hourly earnings & unemployment (May, 1:30pm); UK Halifax house prices (May, 7am).

Key earnings:


Key Longview research published last week 

You'll find some extracts from research we've published recently below. The full reports are available to subscribers. To see the options we have available for private investors, please click below.


Global Macro Report, 29th May 2024:
“Japanese CPI: 'Hot or Not'? a.k.a. Is Japan emerging from its long slumber?”


“end of fight with deflation is in sight”; “key driving force to shift price norm is labour shortage”; “BoJ has overcome zero bound”.

Source: Speech by BoJ Deputy Governor Uchida, 27th May 2024

“some challenges are uniquely difficult for us”; “one challenge is to determine the neutral interest rate”.

Source: Speech by BoJ Governor Ueda, 27th May 2024


On 29th April 2024, the Japanese Yen briefly tested a key multi-decade support level at 160, before sharply reversing that weakness (see GIP chart/fig 2). The YEN last traded at that level in April 1990 (see fig 1), i.e. 24 years ago. Fortunately for the BoJ/Japanese MoF, that day (29th) was a market holiday in Japan (Showa Day). According to the rumours, policy makers took full advantage of light liquidity and intervened. 

North America: Key events next week



Bank of Canada policy decision (Wed, 2:45pm); speech by the Fed’s Cook in Washington (Fri, 5pm).


Canadian S&P manufacturing sector PMI (May, 2:30pm); US S&P manufacturing sector PMI (May final estimate, 2:45pm); US ISM manufacturing (May, 3pm); US construction spending (Apr, 3pm).


US JOLTS job openings (Apr, 3pm); US total vehicle sales (May, 3pm).


US ADP employment (May, 1:15pm); US S&P service sector PMI (May final estimate, 2:45pm); US ISM services (May, 3pm).


US Challenger job cuts (May, 12:30pm); US nonfarm productivity & unit labour costs (Q1 final estimate, 1:30pm); US trade balance (Apr, 1:30pm); US weekly jobless claims (1:30pm).


Canadian employment (May, 1:30pm); US nonfarm payrolls, hourly earnings & unemployment (May, 1:30pm); US wholesale inventories (Apr, 3pm); US consumer credit (Apr, 8pm).

Key earnings:

CrowdStrike Holdings (Tues); Lululemon Athletica (Wed).


Fig B: US ISM manufacturing (index)



Eurozone: Key events next week


ECB policy decision (Thurs, 1:15pm) followed by press conference (1:45pm); speeches by the ECB’s Nagel & Schnabel in Berlin (Fri, 8am & 9am) & Holzmann in Vienna (Fri, 9am).


HCOB manufacturing sector PMIs for France (8:50am), Germany (8:55am) & Eurozone (9am) – All May final estimates.


German unemployment change (May, 8:55am); Eurozone consumer inflation expectations (Apr).


French industrial & manufacturing production (Apr, 7:45am); HCOB service sector & composite PMIs for France (8:50am), Germany (8:55am) & Eurozone (9am) – All May final estimates; Eurozone PPI (Apr, 10am).


German factory orders (Apr, 7am); Eurozone, French & German construction PMI (May, 8:30am); Eurozone retail sales (Apr, 10am).


German imports/exports & industrial production (Apr, 7am); Eurozone GDP (Q1 final estimate, 10am); Eurozone employment growth (Q1, 10am).

Key earnings:

Inditex (Wed).


Fig C: Eurozone PPI (Y-o-Y %)


UK: Key events next week


Bank of England releases Decision Maker Panel survey (Thurs, 9:30am).


S&P manufacturing sector PMI (May final estimate, 9:30am).


BRC retail sales (May, 12:01am).


New car sales (May, 9am); S&P services & composite sector PMI (May final estimate, 9:30am).


S&P construction sector PMI (May, 9:30am).


Halifax house prices (May, 7am).

Key earnings:

Ferguson (Tues).

Fig D: UK BRC retail sales (Y-o-Y %)



Asia-Pacific: Key events next week


Speech by the BOJ’s Nakamura in Sapporo (Thurs, 2:30am); speech by the RBA’s Hauser in Fireside chat (Fri, 4am).


Australian Judo Bank manufacturing sector PMI (May final estimate, 12am); Japanese capital spending & company profits (Q1, 12:50am); Japanese Jibun Bank manufacturing sector PMI (May final estimate, 1:30am); Australian CPI (May, 2am); Chinese Caixin manufacturing sector PMI (May, 2:45am).


Japanese money supply (May, 12:50am).


Australian Judo Bank manufacturing sector PMI (May final estimate, 12am); Japanese cash earnings (Apr, 12:30am); Japanese Jibun Bank service sector & composite PMI (May final estimate, 1:30am); Australian GDP (Q1, 2:30am); Chinese Caixin service & composite sector PMI (May, 2:45am).


Australian home loans value & household spending (Apr, 2:30am); Australian imports & exports (2:30am).


Japanese household spending (Apr, 12:30am); Japanese ESRI leading index (April first estimate, 6am); Chinese imports, exports & trade balance (May, 3am).

Key earnings:



Fig E: Japanese ESRI leading index shown with recession bands


Longview research published recently

Last week:

Longview on Friday, 31st May 2024:
“Large Cap Stock Bubble (Tech & non-Tech)” 

Quant Monthly Appendices 1 & 2, 30th May 2024:
“Country & S&P500 Sector Valuation Overview” 

Global Macro Report, 29th May 2024:
“Japanese CPI: 'Hot or Not'? a.k.a. Is Japan emerging from its long slumber?” 


Prior week:

Longview on Friday, 24th May 2024:
“The Big Issues” 

Monthly Global Asset Allocation No. 40, 23rd May 2024:
“Keep Tilting Towards European Equities –> Theme is Evolving
A.k.a. Increase Italian, UK & Spanish OW Equity Positions” 

Global Macro Report, 22nd May 2024:
“How High is US Recession Risk? Is Growth Slowing? Have the US & EU Decoupled?” 


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